Shepherd of Grace
Becker, MNShepherd of Grace in Becker, MN, is the result of a mutual need for senior housing in Becker, as identified by the Good Shepherd Community of Sauk Rapids, combined with the need for classroom space and a paved parking lot for Grace Lutheran Church in Becker. Working together, they have formed a bond that provides a spiritual and physical tie to the church for the senior housing residents and a new source of church members and volunteers for the church. Both Good Shepherd and Grace Lutheran are members of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
This new 76,000 s.f. facility contains three different living options: 33 units of senior apartments, 18 units of assisted living, and an 18-bed memory care facility consisting of two nine-bed attached cottages. Amenities incorporated within the building include two fireplace lounges, a gift shop, pantry/cafe, library, activity room, family room, beauty/barber shop, whirlpool tub room, large preparatory kitchen and a main dining room with adjacent family dining area. The building is staffed 24/7 and is access-controlled with multiple security systems.
A 6,700 s.f. community space connects the facility to the existing church. It contains multiple meeting rooms that can be utilized by both the housing complex and the church.
The exterior materials and building layout are designed to be compatible with, and complementary to, the surrounding residential neighborhood.